Morphology of the Bones of the Skull in the Sahel Ecotypes of Goats(Capra hircus)in Nigeria

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria.

2 Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria.

3 Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.


he study was designed to investigate some morphological characteristics of the skull of the Ecotypes of Sahel goats in Nigeria. The approach involved morphological description of all the bones in the skull and observing the abnormali- ties among ecotypes. Morphologically, sexual dimorphism was evident in the frontal and occipital bones with the females having slightly straight frontal plain. The longitudinal convexity of the frontal bone in the male was accentuated between the horns in all ecotypes than the females making the former to posses more of the frontal and cornual sinuses dorsal to the cranium and the distance from the muzzle to the occipital bone shorter. The Basic Brown ecotype skulls had the highest evidences of dental abnormalities, most prominent facial and mandibular tuberosities and mandibular symphyseal ruggae. Accessory foramina were seen in mental, infraorbital and supraorbital foramina in all ecotypes. The occurrences of incisive-naso- maxillo-lacrimal relationship in the all the ecotypes clearly differen- tiated this species from other small ruminants.
