Facts & Figures
Number of Volumes  17
Number of Issues  31
Number of Articles  170
Article View  45,211
PDF Download  74,128
View Per Article  265.95
PDF Download Per Article  436.05
  • The journal is biannually (April & October),
  • peer-reviewed,
  • specialized in the field of veterinary anatomy, embryology, histology, cytology, cell biology and anatomy education.
  • It represents the African Association of Veterinary Anatomists (African AVA).
  • The articles could be free-downloaded from the journal website.
  • There is a publication charge.
Current Issue: Volume 17, Issue 1, April 2024, Pages 1-29 

Radiological Investigation of the Rat Cavernous Si- nus and Surrounding Channels

Pages 19-29

Kosei Yamamoto; Katsuhiro Mizutani; Hiroki Yamada; Hirotsugu Nogawa; Takashi Iwama; Azuna Tomioka; Masahiro Toda