Biometry with Quantitative Analysis of Caruncle Distribution in Uterus of Black Bengal Goats (Capra hircus)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Anatomy & Histology, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University. Khulshi, Chattogram-4225, Bangladesh

2 Department of Anatomy and Histology, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University.

3 Department of Anatomy & Histology, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University. Khulshi, Chattogram-4225, Bangladesh.

4 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University. Khulshi, Chattogram-4225, Bangladesh.


This study aimed to provide basic information regarding the anatomical and histological structure of the uterus and to establish a baseline quantitative analysis of the distribution of caruncles in the different parts of the uterus of Black Bengal Goat (BBG). A total of 64 reproductive organs of female goats were collected from a local slaughter- house and biometric parameters of different segments of the uterus. The mean length of the right and left uterine horns were 14.90±3.47 cm and 14.79±3.80 cm, respectively. The mean width of the right and left uterine horns were 2.45±0.55 cm and 2.43±0.57 cm, respectively. The lengths of the right and left of the caruncle-free part were 6.46±1.90 cm and 6.45±1.91 cm, respectively. The caruncle-free area was related to the length of the right (P=0.0000) and left (P=0.0000) horns of the uterus. The average of the caruncle number in the right and left horns were 65.40±8.81 and 64.93± 8.20, respectively. The quantity of caruncle was strongly influenced by the length of the right (P=0.0001) and left (P=0.0003) horns of the uterus. The caruncles per row in the right and left horns were 17.72±0.35 and 17.59±0.52, respectively. The length, width, and number of caruncles in the body of the uterus were 2.71±0.55 cm, 3.34±0.56 cm, and 6.71±1.32, respectively. The length, width, and number of annular rings in the cervix were 3.54±1.07 cm, 1.81±0.62 cm, and 4.15±0.76, respectively. Microscopically, the uterine glands were absent in the caruncle areas. The caruncles were circumscribed thickening in the endometrium of the uterine horn and body except caruncle free area.
Histologically caruncle's free area was composed similarly to the uterine horn and body with absence of the caruncles. The present study found that a comparatively less quantity of glands was present in the cervix. The length, width, caruncle-free part, quantity of caruncle, and caruncle per row were apparently higher values in the right uterine horns but statistically non-significant. All the findings mentioned above have established the baseline for the parameters of different segments of the uterus with quantitative analysis of the caruncles of the BBG and may be utilized by physiologists, gynecologists, embryo-transfer technologists, animal breeders, and other related workers for the development of goat production.


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