Contribution to histology of Paneth Cell Metaplasia from a feline (Felis catus domesticus) with colon adenomatous

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Medi-cine. Depart-ment of Mor-phophysiology Univesity of La Saba-na”. PROSEIM - Group. CHÍA. COLOMBIA

2 Faculty of Medicine. Department of Morphophysiology Univesity of La Sabana; PRO-SEIM - Group. Chía. COLOMBIA


The colon embryology in vertebrates recognizes the endoderm layer of the middle and caudal intestine as source of epithelium, and the surrounding lateral splanchnic mesoderm as a source of lamina propria, submucosa, muscular propria and adventitial or serosa tunic. The enterocytes, enteroendocrine cells and goblet cells of distal colon are generated by cranio-caudal expression of homeotic genes Hoxa13 and Hoxd13 both in the mesoderm and endoderm layer reported, and also spatially and temporally, everything under regulation of homeotic genes Cdx2. Concerning the Paneth Cell or PC, the endoderm layer is a source by sponsoring mesodermal layer related with lower expressions to Cdx2, leading to high expressions Hoxa13 and Hoxd13; and PC absence by high Cdx-2 expressions lead to lack of co-expression of same Hoxa genes. This case report contributes to the histology of PC from a domestic feline with a diagnosis of colon adenomatous, a species that does not normally express PC in the colon, reasonably proposing that PC metaplasia in feline adenomatous may imply expressive disabilities of Cdx-2 and / or Hoxa13 and Hoxd13 expressions


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